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forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

A Chrome Extension and Mozilla Add-on to display notifications from different social networking platforms in one tab.

The project includes following Social Media -

screenshot from 2018-11-08 13-04-51

screenshot from 2018-11-08 13-13-03

screenshot from 2018-11-08 13-06-07




If you can’t find the button on the top of the page, make sure that Developer mode is enabled here.

Report any issue or bug here:

What is the software license?

LGPL 2.1

How can I contribute?

There are a lot of issues you can solve. They are either

If you want to solve an issue, please comment in it that you would like to solve it. In any case, if you run into problems, please report them in the issue.

Have fun!

Glancify Team

Made from scratch with ❤